That is what they were called.  Four beautiful, loving ferrets were
transported here yesterday by a volunteer who is on this list and knows
how thankful we are for their help.  I was expecting sixteen, four going
to a friend, two to another.  Ten were to come here.  But guess what,
only four needed us, I was told the others have a place already!  How
But I am writing to you about cage number five.  Four beautiful, happy
ferrets.  Who, despite living in the 'home' they were seized from, with no
playtime, despite the lack of muscle tone and human attention, are happy.
They dooked, they danced, they made all kinds of happy noises.  They
climbed up my arms to give me kisses all at once.  The little deaf girl
stole my heart.  I love the noises they make that they don't hear
themselves.  I cried when I saw their ID card.  Cage number five.  No
names, not even individual numbers.  Just cage number five.  Can you
imaging spending your life that way!?  I cried, it hurt me to think of
them that way.
They didn't mind, they kissed my face and sang happy nonsense ferret songs
to cheer me up.  And then I had to let them go...
Yes, they had a permanent home waiting with my friend (I am sure she will
post) and I had to let them go.  It was love at first sight.  I refused
to split them up, which was also a condition of taking Utah babies, we
couldn't split the groups.  I had to let the little deaf blaze girl go and
boy did I miss her.  Thought about her all night, couldn't sleep.  but I
know she is in great hands.  I'll still get to see her, and she can come
to visit me too!  but anybody out there have a deaf shelter kid?  One who
will get along with others-or not.  One who needs someone who understands
how to teach and love a deaf ferret like I do?  I would love to have them
here, forever.  They are my special babies.
I am vacillating between Joy that the other ten found a home, and a bit
deflated after all the preparations and adrenaline I had going yesterday.
I was so prepared!!!  Rescuing is my calling, what I thrive on.  The
joyful look in the eyes of those who have new mommies and daddies to love
them is my reward.  The happy dance of the reformed biter.  I feel my part
in helping has diminished, like I haven't done enough!
I did get five in an owner surrender yesterday morning, from a truly
wonderful ferret Mom.  It hurt me to see her give them up, she loved them
very much, and told me all about them They were all "rescues" somebody
else's babies who couldn't keep them, so they gave them to her.  Not too
many people have a legitimate excuse for giving up their ferrets, but she
does.  I won't tell the story, and she is reading I am sure.  I want her
to know that they are cared for here, and did well the rest of the day.
I'm going down to check them now, and am pretty sure I have a home for
all of them already!  They can be separated you see, and the two girls
are wanted in one home, and the boys in another home.  And I'll be empty
again!  Is it a good thing, or a bad thing for a shelter to be empty?
well, I've said my piece.  Everyone hug your fuzzies, they are so much
more remarkable than you will ever know.
Kim Wolf
Mystyx Ferrets and Rescue
PS- I am still making hammocks for the Utah kids!  Please buy one!  see
them at you pay $10 per
hammock plus $3.50 postage (which will cover up to six),
and send the money to SOS, and we split the $10 per hammock evenly!
[Posted in FML issue 3550]