Four local ladies including myself picked up 18 furry babies today from
the home of a lady known as "The Ferret Lady".  Her husband and daughter
have found it to painful to keep these angels since her death.  Two babies
were adopted today.  We have 16 to go.  Fourteen of those seem to be in
excellent health.  There are Albino's, Silver Mitt's, Dark Sables and
Cinnamon's, (or so the pet store employee says).  I'm always a little
confused about Cinnamon.  They're all very pretty though.
We have two little girls with vaginal cancer.  We are taking them to the
vet tomorrow.  The ferret lady was getting them some sort of shot for pain
and the husband of the ferret lady said that he would continue to pay for
those shots.
I can email pictures to you if you are interested or know someone who is.
Just let me know if you have a preference, male or female and what general
color.  I understand that they are all about 4-5 years old.  I can get vet
records on any of them as well.
The other ladies and I will be glad to meet you half way if you are near
Tifton, GA.  If not, maybe we can arrange a transport.  These babies have
been well cared for and loved.  They desperately need new homes.  If you
are interested, email me at [log in to unmask] or call me at home
229.386.4473 or work 888.414.9675.
Phyllis Doss
[Posted in FML issue 3550]