>From:    Public Relations <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: KUDOS to Kim - ASPCA publication
>Applaud, applaud!
>I just received my copy of ASPCA Animal Watch -- the article " Ferret
>Frenzy - the housepet with pizzazz" written by Kim Schilling author of
>Ferrets for Dummies is, in my estimation , THE BEST ferret education in
>a humane publication to DATE!...
Well, thanks, Alicia!  What a pleasant surprise.  Always nice to hear such
nice things!  Well, just as they (ASPCA) said I would have complete editing
control (NOT!), they also said I would have several copies of the article
before it hit the public (NOT).  I guess I'll just have to wait for my copy
to come in the mail.  It was the same way with the book.  I was the last to
see it...
They did emphasize to me that this was edited to suit the "needs" of humane
and rescue organizations more than the general ferret keeping (or potential
ferret keeping) population.  That sort of scared me, as the ASPCA has
sometimes been known to border Animal Rights - much like the HSUS - and
frequently that can mean extreme views against ownership of a certain
animal.  I was quite pleased with a recent ASPCA Animal Watch story that
addressed dog breed bans.  I held my breath as I read it, but it was very
well done and in the end, it seems they and the writer shared my view and
got it across better than I could.  Dof breed bans DON'T WORK and they just
piss people off :-)  Well, it's more complicated than that, but my point is
that the article was on the side of the dogs and not the extremists!  Good
for them.  Gee, now if only I can see the ferret article for myself....
Thanks again!!
[Posted in FML issue 3529]