I am sorry that you feel that we acted out of emotions, If it weren't for
emotions then a lot more ferrets would be dead or miserable.  We could not
have taken these ferrets before then.  I don't know the whole story behind
your complaints and I am sorry that you couldn't have stopped this woman
before she got that many.  Having 4 ferrets that came from abusive and
neglected homes, I have acted out of emotion.  It is emotion that keeps me
going back to the shelter here.  I love these little guys.  They made me
cry when I saw the condition they were in.  They have made me strong in
knowing I could take care of a sick one and stick a needle to give meds
or fluids If I need to.  Mostly I have known joy and laughter at watching
them play for the first time in a long time in a play ground.  Watching
them day by day get stronger and a little more co-ordinated with muscles
that haven't been used enough.  In this short span of time I have gotten
more ferret kisses than in my whole life.  I have watched a ferret we were
sure wouldn't make do a complete turn around and beg to be let out to play
with us, even though most of her contact outside of the cage has been to
stick, force-feed or just plain examine her.  Why have any of them if not
for the emotion of love and compassion?
As far and the risk that was taken by the shelters, Precautions were in
place to protect everyone.  The risk for some things such as ECE and
earmites etc, was considered and we acted accordingly.  As far as ADV we
were to test them first thing.So far the ones tested prior to this have
tested neg.  That gives us hope till we consider that a possible exposure
on the way here by one of our own who was not thinking or only thinking of
them selves poses the problem of not being able to test for at least three
weeks.  That was wrong.  No names have been named here.  I believe they
should so no one else suffers the same fate.  Since this person will not
let us confirm this diagnosis with the vet, for now we will hope this is a
bad nightmare of very mean joke.  But we still have the joy of the little
babies till a decision can be made.  All of this might just boil down to
some-one wanting to pick the prettiest or healthiest.  For that I am sad.
Gen Mathurin
pooper scooper woman
[Posted in FML issue 3549]