Hi my name is Lola and I have 2 wonderful babie girls.  One is 7 yrs old
and the other is approx 2 yrs old.  Anyhow I would like to start a page on
my homepage (http://hometown.aol.com/edortsl/myhomepage/index.html) with
the names, addresses, & phone #'s of knowledgeable vets in the various
states.  If anyone has a good vet email it to me and I would be willing
to start this page to aid everyone in finding a good vet since it is a
question we see on her all the time.  If anyone thinks this is a bad idea
you can also let me know.
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In memory of Naya
See pics of Naya at:
Visit www.gtsracing.net and see what we are about
[Posted in FML issue 3548]