Little Mattie's trip to the vet did not reveal any gross abnormalities.
Her heart checks out OK, no signs of edema, and her airways seem clear.
The vet noted a slightly enlarged spleen, but attached no clinical
significance to it -- it could be an indicator, or it could just be a
largish spleen.  There is some redness around her "privvies" possibly
indicating irritation or infection, though for the most part unrelated to
the coughing attacks (it could be an infection drifting about, or she's
getting furballs licking herself -- yes they both get Ferret-lax a few
times a week).  Trying a course of Sulftrim, broad spectrum antibiotic,
to rule out upper respiratory infection, and if she has a UTI it'll
knock that out too.  She has plenty of energy, judging from the from the
bleeding thumb the vet acquired after Mattie decided that all of this
scruffing, poking and prodding just wasn't her bag.  Funny, she's not
usually a bite risk, but I think getting up early with no breakfast,
combined with the possible infection, combined with a perceived attack
(if not to her body to her dignity, LOL), contributed to a moment of bad
temper.  Occupational hazard, a least she isn't a pit bull!!  So now I get
to feed her grape flavored suspension bid for ten days, I hope she likes
Thanks to all who sent e-mails with suggestions and ideas, and the
friendly but stern admonitions to get her to a vet.  Now I need to get
Beeper to stop sulking cuz she wasn't invited on this trip!
Todd Collins
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Mattie and Beeper
email TBA after we build our server under the couch with stolen network
[Posted in FML issue 3548]