Hi all
Yesterday waz not a good day.  My hooman had a very bad day.  I had to
welcome one of my brothers here and introduce him to da others from our
A little girl named Naya came in today.  She waz met by Tigger, Coco Puff,
and Cherokee.  They greeted her warmly.  Then it waz time to talk about da
gossip at home and all da news.  She said she didn't have a whole bunch as
she didn't get a lot from there but she gave them what she had.  Then it
waz off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.  After dat she
made a bee line to da Twizzler Tower where she said she waz going to eat
til she busted.  I told her she could get them any time she wanted.  They
were soon all piling on da tower to see if it would topple.  They all ate
and ate but all it did waz wobble a little.  Then they started to sway it
back and forth.  They never did get it down.  She said to send lots of love
to her mommy.
A little guy came in later.  He seemed kinda confused and he waz very
small.  I greeted him and calmed hiz fears.  I showed him around and
everything but he didn't appreciate what waz going on.  I will take him
under my paw and show him how to be a ferret.  I am getting pretty good
at it and if anybody can teach him all da tricks it is me.  Don't worry I
will take good care of him.
A little girl came in next.  She waz met by Renny and crew.  They were
happy to see her and were really interested in da gossip at hme.  They sat
and talked for some time.  They talked so long they had to take a break or
two to keep up their strength.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da
sights and attractions.  I later saw them over at da Tube Park where some
were entered in da tube races.  JoJo didn't enter although she cheered for
da ones dat did.  They all seemed to have a good time even though they
didn't win at it.  They all headed off to get to da Ferretone Flood before
it waz over and then maybe a nap.  She said to tell her new mommy dat she
sends her luv an lots of hugs.
Another little guy came in later.  He said hiz name waz Major Burns.  I
gave him da tour and showed him all da attractions and sights.  He waz
really impressed with da place.  He headed over for a short snack at da
Fruit Bar.  After dat we had a small decussion on da (Hooman stop reading
please For Ferrets only)FLO and its operation up here.  He said he waz
going to take over and handle all da operations here at da bridge since
he waz da highest ranking ferret here.  What could I say as I am only a
private here.  Maybe he will promote me.  He said maybe if my performance
is outsstanding.  I don't know what da Big Boss is going to say to this.
He said to sne dhiz luv and lots of cuddles and hugs to hiz daddy.
Another little girl came in later.  I met her and showed her around da
place .  I showed her all da sights and attractions.  She waz really
interested in da Otter Slide as she luved to slide.  She headed over dat
way and waz soon sliding away for all she waz worth.  She didn't like da
water to much at first but soon warmed up to da idea.  She waz soon
splashing every one she seen.  I kinda steered clear as I am sugar and
might melt.  Dook.  Dook.  But she splashed quite a few little ones and
waz soon inolved in a big water fight.  It lasted for some time and I am
not sure who won.  I don't think da ones in da fights knew either but they
seemed to have a real good time at it anyway.  She said to send her luv
and kisses to everyone she knew but especially her mommy and shelter mom.
I am off to see to my brother.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3529]