My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their loved ones and our
nation in this time of tragedy.
The Okeechobee Ferret Rescue has over 300 items on ebay right now and
still adding items.  There are many kinds of animal items, ferret items,
new items, used items, Christmas items and more.  Many items are buy it
now items with no bidding and then some are auction items.  As I said, I
am still adding items daily.  Christmas is just around the corner, please
take a look, the shelter is trying to raise money to pay a huge electric
bill by the end of the month & take care of other shelter cost.  Right now
there is no money for the electric bill, if we have no electric, we have
no water either, we have a well, but we definitely will have lots of heat.
The Shelter is a registered non-profit organization.  You can see the
items at:
http:[log in to unmask]
I'm also glad to hear that the Utah rescue went well, thanks to all of you
who saved those little ones.
Sue & the Fuzzies
Okeechobee Ferret Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 3547]