My applause and commendations for those who helped rescue those ferrets
held captive by the Layton Collector.  With all that has happen in our
country lately, I have not had time to keep up on what the Davis County
Prosecutor or Animal Control is going to do to punish this person for her
inhumane treatment and selfish indulgance.  But this is all past and
hopefully we will learn from it.
For those of you who have emailed me concerning U.F.O. and its status, I
will put it simply as, right after the legalization happen, April 99, the
concern for ferrets disappeared.  Our active membership dropped to almost
nothing.  Attendance at the Ferret Education classes disappeared and so
did the interest Salt Lake County put into it.  But the pet stores began
ordering ferrets like a man in the desert requests cold water.  Bridgett
Boland has not returned from her humanitarian work in New Guinea and
U.F.O.  is no longer functional.  We closed our shelter doors about five
months ago and the 16 fuzzies still without homes joined our permanent
family.  I still anwser questions when people call or email, but for the
most part, have stopped all active Ferret programs.
This leaves one problem, who is going to pick up where U.F.O.  left off?
Is there anyone out there, located in Northern Utah, who is willing to
open a shelter?  I will be more than willing to help you get things
started and get things organized, but in two weeks, I am moving to Roy,
Utah and will no longer have time to do anything with ferrets except
enjoy the company of our herd.
Please contact me soon if you are intersted.  I will also be unsubscribing
to the fml in about a week, so please hurry.  Again, thanks to all of you
who helped get those ferrets out of that crazy persons clutches.
[Posted in FML issue 3547]