Hi all
I am compiling a list of little ones for Holloween.
A little guy came in today by the name of Sammy.  He waz greeted by Cassie
and Buddy.  They were real interested in da news an gossip at home.  They
sat down and talked for some time.  Then it waz off to da Fruit Bar to get
a snack.  After dat they were off to explore and see all da sights an
attractions.  I later saw them over at da Sock Steal Game where they were
grabbing all da socks they could in a limmited time.  They went away with
quite a haul.  He may be a natural at dat.  He also got to keep all da
socks he took so maybe dat is some kind of incentive.  He said to send hiz
luv to hiz daddy along with lots of hugs and kisses.
A pair came in some time ago named Fiona and Leo.  I failed to report on
it at dat time.  Anyhow I went and checked on them again to see how they
were doing.  They had met up with Oliver and he did show them around.
They are all settled in and looked real comfy.  I talked with them for
some time and they seemed content.  I passed on your message and they said
you were only trying to do your best for them and when it is time it is
time.  They said to send along their luv and lots of kisses and cuddles.
I am off to see if I can find a cheweasel or two.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3547]