It's human's the way we are.  And quite often it makes us
appear like we only care about the 'famous' ones!  I am talking about the
outpouring of desire to adopt a ferret...or any animal in times of crisis.
There has been several posts on this subject lately and I would like to
add my humble opinion.
A crisis situation makes people feel bad...uncomfortable...unhappy.  I
think most people do not enjoy feeling this way.  So when a crisis occurs
people who usually sit back quietly want to join in and help.  By helping
out, they start to feel good again...the pain starts to go away.  We all
heard about the Utah made us sad and even made some of us
mad.  The way we heal is to get over the pain.  The way we get over the
pain is by doing something-like wanting to give one (or two or three) of
these babies a home!  I don't think that people react this way simply
because they want a famous ferret.  I think they act this way because it
helps them to believe that possibly they can undo some of the damage that
has been done.  People are basically good-at least that's what I believe.
Nameless ferrets sitting in a shelter are being cared for and loved-even
though they are shelter ferrets.  I'm not saying it's right, but I think
many people think that if a ferret is in a good shelter, at least they
are being cared for...and loved by the shelter mom.  These are nameless
faceless ferrets.  BUT...when the ferrets get a identity, so to
speak, they become more real.  I will use the example of the Giving Tree
we put together last Christmas.  That giving tree gave those shelter
babies names...and faces!  Something we could reach out to!  I think many
people give to shelters during the Holiday season....but I bet that Giving
Tree tripled what is normally given!  It was a success because it made the
ferrets 'real'!
Look around at the most successful shelters and organizations.  What to
they have?  They have a Jeremiah!  They have a Kouri!  They have a Harley
'Bug'!  High profile-sweet faces that make these organizations REAL.
Look what White Russian has done for the ADV cause.  To many of us, he is
as real as the ferrets in our own homes!
So...I guess the point that I am trying to make (finally!) is that I don't
believe people wait for a crisis to adopt famous ferrets.  I think they
rise to the need of very real animals needing very real care-animals that
they have read about, prayed for and cried over!  Yes, it is a shame that
a probably wonderful and very loving ferret is sitting in another shelter
somewhere needing a home...but until those stories are brought to light
and made 'real', I'm afraid those ferrets will continue to be overlooked!
Like I said, it's not right...but I don't know what to do to change it!
[Posted in FML issue 3546]