My heart goes out to everyone who lost a loved one in the resent events of
the WTC/NY/PA tragedies.  And to those who have lost a fuzzy in the past
First of all I want to thank BIG for the work he has done with the FML.
He has done this list for years and listened to all the bitchin we have
sent his way without any complaining or whining.  When times get heated
and people have thrown their flames he kept the list going for the better
of the ferrets and the people on this list..THANK-YOU BIG.  I don't know
anyone else out here that would of done that.
I also want to thank SOS and TLC for sticking with the ferrets and the
people though tough times.  It is not an easy task to do when you have
people out there flaming you, when you know your doing something for a
good cause and NOT yourself.  They do what they can for the love of our
fuzzys, and in their hearts they know it's the right thing to do.
This list used to have many of wonderful and helpful people here.  Not
saying that is doesn't now.  But it has lost a lot of good people.  We
used to all rally together at all times.through the good and the bad.
We would pick each other up and move on.  We had a wonderful network of
people to get us through every occasion.
TLC would help to get us on the right path, lead us and guide us in the
right direction.  Mathew Stevens would make us smile with his FLO (look
at back issues)  Sukie Crandall and Jackie helped out any way they could.
There are many others who would keep us up to date on their fuzzy little
ones.  Like Jason Pool.  Sure we had our disagreements on things but what
family doesn't?
This flaming and bashing someone or something because you don't understand
what they do or just because you don't agree with their beliefs has got
to stop.  I know what it is like to be on the side of a flame.  I have
received many over Kodo.  And still to this day some few still do.(I am
sure I will get some over this letter also)  I know in my heart that what
we did was right and that Kodo did all of us a favor and has gotten us our
ten day quarantine Faster then we could of on our own.  I think we still
be fighting the Kill and test right now for our furry kids.
With last weeks events I am shocked and ashamed to see that some people
still want to flame and bash others.  What happened to Standing together?
What has happened to helping out where we can?  What has happened to our
American pride?  Have we all gotten to the point that we are in it only
for ourselves?
Yes we will never agree on everything.  We all have our own opinions but
do we really have to flame and bash someone for their opinion?
Again thank-you Big and the rest of you still going through these tuff
times.I am glad to see some people won't give-up on the rest of us.  God
Kitty remembering Kodo 'Everyone's Ferret'
[Posted in FML issue 3546]