Hello everyone--
In response to Sept.11 events, the organization that I work for, Education
Development Cneter, Inc., has put together three excellent lessons
designed to focus on issues of justice, fairness, and mislaid blame.
"Beyond Blame: A Reaction to the Terrorist Attack" is designed for use in
grades 6 through 12.  It is co-sponsored by the Justice Project and the
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation who are concerned, as we are, that
the terrorist attacks have created a hostile climate for Arab-Americans --
much like the climate Japanese-Americans faced following Pearl Harbor.
The 30-page curriculum can be found on EDC's website: http://www.edc.org ,
then go to "Special EDC Curriculum," then "Beyond Blame."  If you don't
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can also download it from that site.
[Posted in FML issue 3546]