I have a question to ask, Tomie is 6mo old today he is 26 inche's long
from tip of nose to tip of tail, is this normal he is getting really long.
My husband say's it's if he was in his teenage years getting all lenghty.
He was sick this last week but now he is all better no blockage's the
amoxicill did him a world of good and he wont stop eating, he is back to
normal.  His feet are huge and his head omg huge.  Also what is the
difference if they have two tatoo marks or three marks i think two marks is
marshal farms right.  Im not sure, also bandit the new one we got from the
shelter i think he is used to being the only ferret he chases the girls
down and fights tomie pretty much stays clear of him, i read once where
someone squirted ferratone all over there ferrets because they werent
getting along and put them in a pet carrier, they licked each other clean
and became really good buddies.  Im thinking of doing the same what do you
[Posted in FML issue 3515]