One of my friend's, has lost her ferret, DiDi, late Saturday night, 4th
August.  He sneaked out the back door, which wasn't totally closed.  DiDi
is deaf and 3 years old.  He is cream and brown with a blaze.  He is a
sweet heart and gives kisses.  He does not bite, even in play and loves
cats, dogs and parrots.
Fliers with a picture of DiDi & phone number to call, were put up in a 3
block area of Mission Bay/Clairemont area of San Diego, California.  We
have gone door to door and gotten a few leads, that are up to a day ago.
Still no DiDi.
Please If you have seen DiDi, or know of anyone in San Diego area, that
has recently found a ferret, please call (858) 454-0356.  (Big, I have
permission to post the phone number.)  His Brother & Sister and Mommy
are sick with worrying.  If you have friends in this area of San Diego,
please contact them to see if they have seen or heard of a found ferret.
You guys are like family and I know this little family, needs your help,
good thoughts & prayers for a happy reunion.
Stephanie & the Closet Thieves:
Spanky, Moose, SnowFlake, George & Gracie
The Zoo:  TAZ, Dara Nin, Snickers & Monkey Cat
Plus Sam, Claudia, & Scarlett O'Ferret @ Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 3503]