Hello to everyone:
It has been a while since I've written anything interesting so I thought I
would throw in an update.  July 30th was my one year anniversary for being
a ferret mommy, I was very proud.  It is amazing how different my life is
now.  All my friends say I am well prepared for kids (ahh)!  We had a mini
ferret b-day party for Raider and Squeak (they are so spoiled) And for
their b-day (well a few weeks before but whose counting) we got them a
kitten.  His name is Pele (yes for the soccer guy-my boyfriend pouted till
I gave in)  He is adorable, I know a little off topic but...I did get him
for the boy's (hee hee.) They have a great time together, he has no fear of
them.  At first the boys were a little taken back, how dare I pet something
else but they got over it.
When we first brought Pele home he was 3 pounds, which is what the boys
weigh.  Raider and him have a great time together (Pele is around 6 pounds
now, and on a diet) but Squeak being Alfa ferret and head of household,
loves to play but he gets a hold of an ear and doesn't let go.  I always
know when Squeaky has found kitty because of the howling and hissing.
Aside from the "ear abuse" Squeak and the cat love chase each other around
the house, it is hysterical to watch.  The cat is sooo much faster but
Squeak is smarter and a very determined little bugger.  Raider just
watches, happy its the kitty getting chased instead of him!
On a related note my mother was over for dinner the other night and for
the first time she saw the boys (all three) out playing.  She doesn't like
the ferrets because they smell and told me I was absolutely not to get a
kitten.  Hmm.....well Im 27, own my own condo and have good job, so of
course I got one anyway.  (She didn't speak to me for 2 days, Moms ...
their so funny that way) Anyway, she was amazed at how cute the ferrets
are.  Squeak was chasing the cat at mach 1 and Raider was licking her leg
demanding to be let up.  The cat tired and retreated to the coffee table
(out of Squeak reach) and Squeak went in search of a new victim
(unsuspecting Raider who was nonchalantly begging from my mother)
Bounce....Bounce.....Bounce....(Squeaky bounces when he runs)...Pounce, all
you could see was Raider body parts sticking out from under Squeak who is
now riding Raider as he attempts to retreat.  Poor Raider, he's such a laid
back guy and Squeaky is an energizer bunny.  They wrestled, chased, and
climbed all over the house, my Mother was amazed.  She asked me if they
were always like this (I laughed) I told her they are my personal 3 ringed
circus.  Well, the dinner entertainment paid off, my Mother now thinks they
are cute (hay, this is a BIG step).  The best part was watching her eyes
get really big while she watched them romp around, she was literally
fascinated.  Looks like the fuzzy might be en route to her heart.
(Wishful thinking!)
Ok, this is long and babbling but I had to tell someone.
Take care everyone,
Squeak & Raider
[Posted in FML issue 3516]