Hello and dooks to all!!!
About the Christmas tree thing - I have actually hung one from the ceiling
in my parents home.  Strung it up with fishing line just as pretty as you
please!  Course it wasn't because of ferrets at the time - I was still
living at home and had yet to discover the wonderful world of fuzzbutts.
It was because the tree was a last minute purchase, and crooked as a dogs
hind leg!!!  But it hung there as straight as an arrow, dangling from the
The "different idea" is: instead of a cut tree - get a live one and plant
it after Christmas.  Be sure to dig your hole before the ground freezes,
though.  Where I live the ground is workable til Jan or Feb - when it
really gets nasty here in the Ohio Valley.  Of course you can't put it up
the day after Thanksgiving - if that's your thing.  You have to wait til
close to Christmas, preferrably before even digging it, and definately
before you bring it in.  It doesn't take kindly to having it's dormancy
broken.  When I have one, it goes up on the 21nd ( Solstice) and comes down
New Years Day and is planted outside.  And even though it's the dead of
winter, it still needs to be watered - even if the ground is frozen, or if
the snow is not supposed to melt for awhile.  I know that is easier said
than done if you live in an apt/condo, or rent, etc - but ya gotta know
somebody with a yard, or a field where you could plant it.  It'll give ya
a really good feeling inside, too.  Yes, it's a bit more trouble - and the
only thing it helps with as far as ferts are concerned, is that they won't
be drinking the water -
But, after all, Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of life - right?
And just look at the trees we kill for that celebration.  It just doesn't
feel right, to me.
Like I said, just a different idea, and my .02
The FuzzButt Hut
[Posted in FML issue 3515]