so, when we first got mollie, rather, when we first moved into the
apartment, before we got mollie, the first thing i noticed was that having
a ferret here would be a bit of a task.  our counter is L shaped and the
intersection part, at the bottom near the floor, is a square hole.  i dont
know how far back it goes, i only know that it goes back FAR and probably
snakes thru the whole building.  the previous tenants swept the floor into
it, and i had to clean it when i moved in.
the task of ferret proofing it for mollie was daunting.  i cant explain
exactly how its configured, only that there is no way for me to nail a
board over it.  stuffing it doesnt work.  the only thing that worked?  a
coffee can, wedged in there.  mollie tried, and couldnt get in there.  it
was the one place that she never tried to get into again.
so then we got katie.  i should have known she was trouble when the first
time i put her in the kitchen she tried to wedge between the can and the
hole.  can=circle, hole=square, so its not a perfect fit.  i cant fit 3
fingers in this hole, so i dont expect katies head, much less her big ol
butt to fit thru there.  she tried though, and i yanked her out.  i
checked the can, i couldnt even move it if i tried.
yesterday katie disappeared.  i wasnt worried, i figured she was asleep in
the entertainment center.  i spend more time with them than their daddy (he
works 70-80 hour weeks) so i know her habits better.  daddy looked and
looked for a half hour.... finally she appeared.  he said she came from
teh kitchen.  i dismissed him as unobservant.
today katie disappeared.  i looked forever.  squeaking toys, ringing bells,
shaking food canisters, sending mollie out to find her.  nothing.  i was
afraid of the refridgerator and i was afraid of the coffee can hole.  we
took apart the fridge.  no katie.  with all my might, i ripped the can out-
and looked.  no katie.  i shoved the can back in, as hard as i could so
that she wouldnt get in there if she ever turned up.  now, instead of a
less than 3 finger gap, there were 2 1 finger gaps.  better.  so we
searched for katie.  the apartment that i put off cleaning and finally
cleaned today is a disaster.  "let no cushion be unturned, no box be
unopened, and no blanket or sweatshirt be unshaken".  no katie.  i made
brandon go to bed- he has to be up for work in 3 hours, for another 15
hour day.  finally, i picked up mollie, who was sleeping, kissed her, and
resigned myself to the fact that 1.) katie was dead somewhere or 2.) katie
was trapped somewhere, scared, and she would die there.  and then i
realized that there would come a day where there was a really bad smell in
my apartment and that it would be katie.  i didnt want to think about this,
so i prepared to go to bed.  but i still hadnt cried...
[Part II.... ]
one last look.....
i went into the kitchen, pulled out the can again, and layed on the floor,
pointing the flashlight into the hole.  i was on my stomach, doing my very
best "flat rat" impression, turning the flashlight on, off.  on, off.  on,
off.  for 10 minutes.  i only meant to check one last time, but i really
didnt want to quit my search, so i was just stalling and thinking of katie
terrified in the dark, starving and thirsty.  i was on auto pilot with the
on, off, on, off, and i closed my eyes, falling asleep... light is goign on
off, on off, eyes are closing closing, opening, closing closing opening,
lights on off on off eyes closing closing open- and a little katie head
pops out of the hole!
i grabbed her and kissed her and scolded her and threw her on my boyfriend
to tell him that she was ok, and then i told him i was goign to put her
away.  then, then i started balling my eyes out.  holding her, she has no
idea, and shes thirsty so she tries to lick them.  mmm, salty.  i think
about her scared in there, that if i hadnt looked that last time, she
would have been trapped there and died.
so thats my story.  shes ok.  i'm ok.  sorry if this is long, but its
after 2 and the adrenaline is still flowing and i needed to vent.  if
you read this whole thing, you deserve a chew weasel :)
            LisaMarie Blohm
         Editor, Webmistress
  "Film Style. Elegant. Different."
[Posted in FML issue 3514]