I brought Roulette home yesterday at 5:15 pm.  The vet said he is
Hypoglycemic.  That I need to keep him out of the Humidity and just givre
him Honey or sugar if he has another seizure.  The vet gave him two shots-
one was Valium for the seizures and the other one was for the fluid in his
lungs.  He did not send home antibiotics.  He also said antiseizure meds
don't work very well on ferrets.  I really feel he was just sending him
home to die.
I have been giving Rou ferretvite and Gatoraide.  I saw him drink this
afternoon and it looks like he has eaten some.  I took him out of the cage
and he walked around and went to a corner and pooped!  Rou usually doesn't
do that.  He still has a scared look in his eyes.  The only funny thing
about Yesterday is that when I went to get Rou and the Vet handed him to
me he tried to bite me.  I was shocked and said Roulette doesn't bite! and
the vet said he does now.  I know I would probably bite if I was as sore as
Rou had to have been from the seizures,message and aspiration.  He seems
to be over the biting but not remorseful:)
P.S.  to Lynda and Patty- Thank you for your thoughts.  I also wonder if
Rou's heart is giving out.  I have a dehumidifier in the basement that I
turned on Yesterday.  I need to buy a thermometer barometer?  to check
the humidity.
Thank You!
Angela (Roulette-I don't feel too good but I like the ferretvite)
[Posted in FML issue 3514]