Hello All;
In today's FML, you read about a lady that found out one of her ferrets was
positive.  Along with posting here, she sent that message to people in and
around the state of Michigan.  A few of these people mailed her back.  Most
said how sorry they were to hear the news and wished her well.  Others, on
the other hand, started off messages with not so much as a howdy-do.  Rude,
uncaring and mean people.  Is it no wonder why people affected by ADV tend
to keep it a secret?  Knowing that they will get slammed and ridiculed by
what should be their friends-their supporters.
I have lived with ADV for three years.  I know the pain that Cathy is
experiencing.  It is not only the ferret/s that are affected by this
disease, it is the families themselves.  Lives are changed.  What used
to be, is no more.
None of us want to know that our babies are positive BUT if someone has
enough courage to 'come forward', as Cathy did, they deserve our respect
for having the courage to do so AND our support.
[Posted in FML issue 3514]