Hi All,
It's been sooo long since I posted, my PC went kablooie a few months ago,
and haven't had the time/money/energy etc. to get off my butt and get a
new one!  Although, checking email at the library is beginning to take
its toll!!  Always some stranger looking over your shoulder, I feel like
I'm at work!  haha
Anyway, as a few of you (Reb, Judy) know, I've been putting up one heck
of a fight to keep my little fuzzbutt with me for quite a while.  First
it was the bfriend, decided he didn't like the idea of being owned by a
fuzzy little angel.  I got through hours and hours of screaming matches,
ultimatums, and finally the occasional rumble of dislike.  Then my 6 year
old two-legged kid started having these reactions when she would get
around Baby - watery itchy red eyes, sniffles, etc.  So I modified a few
activites and we've been able to work around it.  (Thank you REB for all
your inspiration back when I had a puter to communicate with!!)
Now it looks like the odds are really against me.
We moved down here to Dayton about a year ago, did a lease-purchase on a
house, and by the time the lease was up, there was so much I discovered
wrong with the house that I turned down the purchase and decided to rent
for a while.  Enter the problem.  No one wants pets in these rentals, and
a vast majority of the rentals down here are owned/managed by the same
company.  They'll gladly accept pets, oh yessiree, the only catch is it
adds $225 to your rent each month.  Each month!!  Any pet, no matter if
its a 200lb Mastiff or a 12oz kitten.
Truth is, I just can't afford it.  I can't work any more hours than I do,
and I keep forgetting to plant that damn money tree!  There's just no way
we can survive with a rent payment of $925.
I'm bawling my head off here, I can't believe this is my only option.
There are animal shelters down here, but I would never take him to one.
I couldn't live with myself if he ended up with someone who had no idea
about ferrets.  There are people here that I know of, (the friend of a
friend of a friend kind of knowing) that have ferrets, but I don't really
KNOW them.  I've been with the FML since '98 or '99, and I feel I know a
lot of you more than I know my next door neighbors.  There are so many
good people on this list, I wanted to ask you all for help before I talk
to any strangers.
Baby is a 4 year old sable male, sooo sweet and loving.  Loves his leash
and long walks outside, loves to 'swim' in the grass, loves rice boxes
and digging in the flowerbed, would do anything for a craisin or a spoon
of ferretone... Hates the water, gets mad at me when its bath time, but
forgives me soon after... Towel rides are his favorite mode of
transportation.... God this is hard.  He doesn't like cheweasels, every
time I tried to give him one, he promptly took it to his litter... Guess
that tells me what he thinks of them!!
He has a Midwest cage, a carrier and a small cage that works better for
travel.  He has his hammy, blankies, toys, etc.
I'm in Dayton, Ohio and will travel at least halfway to anyone with room
in their heart and their home for my sweet little guy.
Please, please no flames.  I've just about flamed myself to death just
getting this far.
[Posted in FML issue 3514]