I just had to share the following.
I am very lucky that the man in my life considers and treats my ferrets
as the special babies they are!  He actively plays and interacts with
them and truly cares about them.
Jillie, my sweet shelter baby, adores him.  She naps with him whenever she
gets the chance and gives him more kisses than anyone (I can't blame her!).
Mikette my nipper loves to fight with him and he takes her bites in stride.
My shy Baby has come out of her timid shell, and treats him as a great
friend to play with.  I couldn't be happier! (-:
He's not normally poetic and claims he doesn't like to write, but he wrote
this yesterday and I had to share it with everyone.
Ferret musings by Roland
Look at me I'm a ferret,
For napping I'd win a merit.
I like to jump and play,
You'd swear I was made of springs and clay.
I'm a cute and cuddly sight,
But beware my little bite.
My rests here and there may be short and brief,
It's because I'm a quick and sneaky thief.
Hide your stuff under things,
Oh what fun this game brings.
My scent I love to spread and flaunt,
As I show off and romp.
Every now and then you'll see me dooking and fighting,
Which is usually brought on by scratching and biting.
I'll do anything, even beg for treats,
But please don't leave me in extreme heat.
For I'm a fragile little fella,
Even if you think I'm a terror.
To some we're just a cute little fuzzy thing,
To others lots of happiness we bring.
So please treat us with a little respect,
Even if we make your place a total wreck.
So come and play with us,
We really aren't that much fuss.
Cause I'm a ferret tried and true,
Love and happiness through and through.
[Posted in FML issue 3513]