I live in the Niagara Peninsula, Ontario Canada.  I have been on a mission
since I rescued my Toby boy from a Petstore.  He was in an aquarium with
cedar chips, no litter pan, water bowl dry, no toys..and this went on not
once but each time I went back to check.  Ferrets were sold in this store
but not one of the staff would handle them because they bite...duh!
Also I have a reputation of being asked to leave Petstores that sell
animals or even threatened with trespassing charges...I am very proud of
myself too!
Ok so that is the background.  Now on to my Search ...I have been into
every pet food supply store in the Niagara Peninsula and No one sold
Totally Ferret.  I had to resort to going into Petstores..ok so I was
only asked to leave 2 this month (Doogan's and P.J.'s) oops you can take
that out if you have to Big.
Still couldn't get Totally Ferret and my Petsmart where I spend all my
money could not order it for me?  I noticed one more Petstore in Niagara
Falls and sat out in my car for a good 15 minutes.  "They probably sell
animals, then even if I do find Totally Ferret I can't buy it on
principle...shouldn't go in"   Well you know I did.
I walked in and thought "yeah, yeah, just as I thought, cages"
"Well at least I'll look and then tell this ...blank...what's on my mind."
I have never been in a petstore that has the proper outfitted cages...
what IS this...oh and birds and they are not cowering when you go near
the glass..  how come everything is so Clean and that guy is talking
knowledgeable about pet food to one of his customers ...and wait...what
is THIS TOTALLY FERRET...a choir of ferrets sang in my ear!  I grabbed a
bag and held it tightly to me.
Finally when the Owner was not busy I said.."Hear me out before you stop
me" and told him my experience with Petstores and how I walked in with a
chip on my shoulder and then what I thought of his store" I spent the next
2 hours with him as he showed me all the birds that he hand raises and
requires potential owners to come in until they get to know one another
before buying a bird..and all the birds think Chis the Owner is their Mom!
Then Linda came into the store and I played with a beautiful little ferret
until the little guy decided he wanted down more than kissing and she takes
him out and puts him in another room every day so he can play with toys and
run around.  Who ARE these people!  They have a petstore and put animals
before money??
Chris and Linda Duller of Primarily Pets Inc. on the corner of Montrose Rd
and Thoroldstone Rd in Niagara Falls, the only store I found that sold
Totally Ferret and will even order Foamy Fries.
We have Totally Ferret in the Niagara area and I am a happy ferret Mom
and I have found one Petstore that actually cares about their animals.
A husband and wife team that are good people and even though I can get
pet food cheaper at Petsmart than Primarily Pets can buy it from the
manufactures, this is where I will be shopping from now on!  No I don't
have any connection with this couple, no I don't get a discount, but I do
get satisfaction just letting people know when I think someone's trying
to do the right thing.
[Posted in FML issue 3513]