Dooks to everyone.
Have to say that I tried to look up the ferret on eBay; either the Item
number in the original post was incorrect or the item was already
removed/expired -- I'm hoping it was removed.
>From:    Daryl Leslie <[log in to unmask]>
>First let me say that I LOVE ferrets, I have one and my family has a total
>of 8.  With that being said I hope everyone who reads this reads it again
>to make sure you understand my points prior to flaming me.
I hope you do not consider this a flame.  This is a sensitive issue and
I'm sure there will be some very strong, heart-felt responses.  I will try
to be civil.
>1. Do you disagree with the mounting of fish or deer, or just ferrets
>because you love them so much; there are other Taxidermy items on ebay
>do you want those pulled too?
I do disagree with the mounting of any animal.  Though in some cases
(deer, noteably) the primary purpose of the animal's demise was for food,
in many cases the animal was killed solely for sport.  Fortunately, eBay
has a policy that only non-endangered animals (or any part, thereof) can
be listed and within certain guidelines.  (You won't see any mounted
Black-Footed Ferrets there.  .  .)
>2. Is it illegal for someone to stuff and mount a ferret.  If you say
>yes then prove it!!
No, it is not illegal.  Just as with any companion animal, the owner may
elect to mount it should they so desire.
>3. People have the right to sell whatever they want too as long as it is
>not illegal.  Is it illegal to sell a taxidermy ferret?  I think not.
Again -- no it is not illegal; just distasteful.  This ferret was obviously
someone's beloved pet at some point and does not deserve to become a
commercial item.  If mounted dogs and cats were listed on eBay, you can
be sure that there would be tremendous outrage.  Unfortunately, ferrets
still have an image as a wild animal and, thus, not subject to the same
considerations as other companion animals.  Who will stand up for the
ferrets if not ferret lovers?
>4. The termination of this auction will absolutly not stop the slaughter
>of another ferret for this purpose, you know this as well as I do.  To
>think otherwise is illogical and emotion driven.
I'm not quite sure that I understand your logic.  If the "manufacturer of
a product" (sorry, everyone, for the brutal business wording) has no venue
to sell, then by default they have no market and no reason to continue
"production." If even this one venue can be eliminated, it may save
ferrets' lives.
This is also assuming that the ferret was "slaughtered." My guess is that
the ferret actually was a companion animal and was mounted after its
natural life course was completed.
>5. Who are you to tell ebay how to run it's business?  In America you
>have the ultimate consumer right, the right not to give them any of your
>business.  If you don't like it dont go there.
As a registered eBay user, that is exactly what I would have done had the
item remained listed.
>In conclusion, it is not your place or mine to take away the rights of
>any American citizen as long as they havent violated the life, liberty or
>property of another citizen by force or by fraud.  Let's not let emotions
>getin the way of logic and clear headed thinking.  LET THE FLAMES BEGIN.
I agree.  But it is my place to attempt to influence those with whom I
do business to hold themselves to a high ethical standard (by my own
definition).  It may be that particular individual's right to sell their
mounted ferret, but that right does not extend to allow the person to sell
in whichever forum they choose.  eBay has the right to choose what items
they will or will not allow, just as any retailing operation does.  To
assume that eBay must accept an item because it is not illegal would be a
violation of eBay's corporate rights.
--Andy and the four sock pirates
Cody, Oscar, Witzy, and Tripod Bob
[Posted in FML issue 3510]