Greetings to all FMLers from the Extreme Weezils.
It is with some difficulty that I pull myself away from my ferret - related
web design and writing along with all the other Weezil-Related activities
that take up most of my not-at-my-full-time-job time.  Perhaps the parallel
between what I am seeing expressed about The Ferret Store vs. Other Stores
and my own medical career to be too similar to let pass without comment.
Over the past few months and especially this past week, I have read many
FML posts relating to the posters' "poor" or "unsatisfactory" delivery and
ordering issues.  What finally roused me into responding is the seeming
consensus that money is the ONLY thing that matters - regardless of
convenience of internet catalog and ordering, home delivery, plain box
options, and exceptional customer service .... All of which The Ferret
Store offers.
The tunnel-visioned focus on price, price, price affects me every day
somehow while on the job - as both a pharmacist and pharmacy manager for
a very large grocery store chain.  Far too much of my time and my staffs'
time is spent giving price quotes both over the phone and in person, only
to be either screamed at or lectured in response to various levels of
"unreasonable" and "outrageous" drug prices .... [Well, I can get THIS at
Cosco for only (whatever price, less than ours) or from Canada or Mexico,
[snip - rant about additional problems that come up due to silly issues
that, despite being completely out of the pharmacy's control, bring the
prescription filling process to a dead stop until resolved ....]
In medicine, the practice of getting prescriptions filled at multiple
pharmacies, from multiple doctors, and even ones obtained without
prescriptions in different countries, via mail order, or from a "friend"
down the street is downright DANGEROUS.  Saving a few or more dollars a
month this way is not worth losing your life to drug-interactions that
cannot be identified, drug allergies, duplicate therapy, and even taking
brand and generic of the same medication at the same time because tha
patient is unaware that they are both one in the same!
The whole point to my above comparison of pharmacy practice to the recent
complaints about The Ferret Store's pricing and delivery alleged issues
is this: You get what you pay for.  Period.
The Ferret Store is the ONLY all-encompassing online ferret supply and
accessory company that I have seen.  No other company can call themselves
a COMPLETE ferret supply depot, offering items from Food to Grooming to
Ferret Clothes made for people AND ferrets - plus so much more.  IN
ADDITION TO ALL THAT, they offer FREE shipping for orders over a reasonable
amount AND even allow for "plain brown wrapper" packaging for those who
need it.
Sure, The Ferret Store doesn't offer the rock-bottom lowest prices in the
land for much of ANY product, but they DO almost always have whatever
ferrety item you are looking for in stock.  Shipping is NOT cheap, and
SHOULD be reflected in the pricing or they could not stay in business -
Look what happened to ...
Think about the millions of packages that are shipped all over the world
every single day - there are BOUND to be mishaps from time to time.  That
goes for any company, from The Ferret Store to Godiva Chocolates - no one
is perfect.  I have to agree with FedEx's spotty reliablity in general, as
I have heard from others on this list, but I have only had these problems
with FedEx sending non-ferret related products (computer stuff, of course!)
If you want portions of your purchases to go to shelters in need or similar
organizations, seek them out individually, or even write to The Ferret
Store for ideas they might already have in the works.  TFS even offers
products made by shelters with proceeds going towards said shelters.
Lets Review: The Ferret Store has a lot of ferret and even non-ferret
products for a reasonable price.  TFS has free delivery.  TFS is sensitive
to those of us who *ahem* may not want to advertise to the world that
ferrets reside with us ... TFS has what every ferret specific super-store
SHOULD have, and continues to grow and metamorphasize with the seas of
change instead of putting up a futile effort to fight change.  Again,
remember what happened to ...
Plan Ahead.  Order Early.  Order In Bulk.  Be Prepared for Anything, just
like one should living day to day with ferrets anyway!  The Ferret Store
has the loyalty of the Extreme Weezils - ask them yourself for more
or email at : [log in to unmask]
Back to working on the New Photos section and more ..... check it out!
Heidi Lynne, WebMaster and WeezilMom
[log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] - GET WEEZILIZED!
Ferret Cam, Movie Clips, Photos, Stories, Fun, and MORE
[Posted in FML issue 3510]