>I always put newspaper in the corners of the room ready for them but
>after an hour or so they wait by the door looking at me, When I take them
>back to their 'house' they both run straight to the litter box.  Is this
>unusual?  I thought this was normal until I read about all the problems
>with accidents etc.
No, it's not ususual.  One of mine will actually come to a screching stop
and use the litter box right after a BATH!!  All of mine are really good
with the box.  Will stop in play to use it and the other will either stand
or lay flat to wait.  Even when they went on vacation, they used the box
in the carrier.  Of course they needed reminders that they couldn't go in
the corner of the tent.  (they learned real quick) With my third ferret,
I did have a very hard time training him. (he was a difficult kit)  The
first two were a dream, and the fourth did take some training.
Amy and the boys
[Posted in FML issue 3510]