These are the little colored see through igloos, big enough for ferrets to
get into (not the tiny ones for mice), that are sold at Petco and Petsmart
in our area for $4.99.  The one I have is domed and in see through blue.
The newer style has a castle type top to it.  I refer to them as cars
because the ferrets get into them, at least the front part of their bodies,
and go forward like they are driving.  They can see through them so they
know perfectly well where they are going and boy do they go well on carpet!
Only problem is some are better drivers than others (ouch, that was my foot
you just drove over....).
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3510]