Greetings Ferret Community!
It feels so wonderful to finally be receiving the FML again.  I've missed
it so much!  It's great not to be the only ferret person in the crowd.
Don't get me wrong, most folks I know are very patient with my passion
for the furry kids, they just don't get it!!!
Here are a few of the comments/questions I get over and over again:
- You have HOW MANY ferrets now?  (I only have four, that's a very modest
  number, thank you very much).
- Where do you keep getting all your ferrets? (They just come to me from
  families who can't/don't want to keep them any longer.  I have never
  purchased a fert or even gone looking for one.  I guess whenever the
  right ferret needs me, it senses my ferret radar and finds its way home).
- Oh, I used to have a ferret, too, but ___________ (fill in the blank with
  your choice  A. it smelled bad   B. it bit   C. it pooped on the floor
  D. My kid always forgot to feed it).  I usually just nod politely at
  this one.  I don't believe that ignorance makes someone a bad person,
  but... well, what can I say to a comment like that?
My favorite response to ferrets, and the one that seems to come from most
people, is interested curiousity.  Almost everybody wants to hold 'em, pet
'em, ask questions, watch 'em play.  A few people aren't comfortable with
them.  That's okay.  I used to think ferrets were unpleasant little
critters, too, before I met one.  Fortunately, all of my fuzzies are so
sweet and funny, they make excellent good-will embassadors for the weasel
world.  Which is nice.  But.  It's also nice to be here among you all and
NOT be the weird one (okay, maybe I am still weird, but at least it's not
because I have ferrets).
So, while I'm thinking about it, and feeling so very grateful, I'd like to
say a few "thanks"!  Thank you, BIG, for all the work you do on this thing!
And an especially big THANK YOU to all of you out there running ferret
shelters and caring for fuzzbutts in need.  I don't know how you get the
energy to do it.  I know that just taking care of four is my energy and
financial limit (and they all came to me "free" Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha)!  Anyway,
sometimes I feel like a 'ferret magnet', but you guys are the real power
players.  I hope you know how much your love and hard work are appreciated.
I realize that most of you are probably reading this wondering, "Who is the
person?  I never heard of her?"  Well, I would be be very surprised if many
folks (anybody???) had any idea who I was just.  I'm just a fellow FMLer
who has been away for a while.  I feel like I've come home.
I'd also like to add a quick note on another subject.  The other day
someone wrote about a biting ferret.  She was young and just playing too
hard.  I've never had to care for a mean or frightened biter, but for
rough players, I do what ferrets do to each other when playing too hard.
I scream.  It might sound kind of silly, but even with little nips I give
a mighty squeal.  None of them bit for long at all, and now they all give
kisses instead.  Hope this helps.
Dooks to all,
Jodie (hooman), Weasel, Big Boy, Ruby Belle, and Fancy
[Posted in FML issue 3508]