I know I just wrote a post, but I just thought of something esle I'd like
to write.  I've been searching the web for prices on distemper vaccines.
What I have found is that all except rabies are combination vaccines,
meaning that they are not just one vaccine, they're a whole bunch put
into one.  Now, my question is that if ferrets just need their rabies and
distemper, what else are they getting?  Is the vaccine I'm getting at the
vet a dog vaccine?  Or is it a specially designed ferret vaccine?  If it
is indeed a vaccine for ferrets is there any website that sells it?  By no
means am I going to start vaccinating my own pets, but I want to see the
prices.  If I'm paying 55 dollars for a vaccine (read my other post), if I
can buy my own vaccine and get my vet to vaccinate for a fraction of the
cost.  It's just an idea for now, all I want to do is see prices.
Any help I get is greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance :)
~Pechu and his pet, Aggie~
[Posted in FML issue 3507]