We have not had troubles with the Ferret Store, but sure have with Fed Ex,
and anytime the drivers are pressing something against management there
it's worse.  A few things from other places that our Fed Ex guys have
screwed up: left clearly marked refrigerated medications that are dangerous
if children get them sitting in front of our garage in the sun instead of
just walking to the door and ringing the bell, left some things that can be
ruined by water sitting in a huge water puddle, etc.  Neighbors had several
things stolen because of Fed Ex leaving things in front of their garages.
It goes on.  Our U.S. postal carrier vary and our current usual one is
marvelous, our UPS deliverers are consistently great, our Airborne carriers
are good to great, but, boy, do our Fed Ex ones locally stink.
(Apologies to any FML members who may be reliable Fed Ex deliverers for
having to frankly say what we have experienced, along with the wish that
you were working around here.  Maybe we just have a lousy supervisor who
lets anything happen; don't know.)
[Posted in FML issue 3507]