I got home and got ready to let the ferrets out as usual for their
afternoon playtime.  As some of you know, one of my ferrets is adrenal
and has lymphoma.  He hasn't been doing so well lately and is losing
weight like crazy.  It's really just a matter of time, chemo is too
expensive.  We have him on pred.
Anyway, when I got home to let them out, Mittens was covered in his own
urine and poo.  I think he might have had an accident in his sleep sack,
but I haven' t been brave enough to look in there yet.  This is the first
time we've ever had this happen.  He mostly sleeps and eats now, not much
play time, and he has difficulty maintaining his balance while walking.
I'm thinking that it is almost time to help him across the rainbow bridge.
Any thoughts on this?
Also, I have discussed this possibilty with our ferret friendly, but
not incredibly ferret knowledgeable (she did not do the diagnosis for
mittens) vet.  She said that when it is time, a shot to the heart of the
euthanasia-stuff is the easiest and least painful.  Is this true?
Natalie and the sad furry snakes
~~~~~Douglas Adams:
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
"Thou Shalt NOT meddle in the affairs of dragons for thou art CRUNCHY and
 taste GOOD with Ketchup!"
[Posted in FML issue 3506]