First off, I would like to know if there are any lists of Doctor's that
specialize in ferret care in the south eastern Massachusetts area.  If
so, please forward to me.  I would be greatly appreciative.
Secondly, our little fert PJ is in the hospital right now fighting the
infection she has..  We all suspect ECE as the culprit, however the vets
cannot find a lab that can test for this in blood samples that they have
pulled.  If anyone out there can gove me a few references of which labs
should be contacted that can offer this test, PJ would be very thankful.
She is being treated currently for proliferative bowel disease until they
can determine something from the blood tests.  They have her on a cathader
iv to fight the dehydration, and they are currently force feeding her to
get some protien in her system.  They did say that she was doing better
than yesterday, but she isn't eating or drinking on her own yet..
With luck and the skill of the doctors involved, we hope to get her home
on saturday.
So if anyone can send me that info, it would be great!
Thanks in advance!
Mark, Kory, Hobbes and PJ
[Posted in FML issue 3505]