My Dante, a 1 1/2 year old albino male, never so much as uttered a word in
the year or so that I've had him (I bought him as a kit from the pet store)
unless he was hung up in something he couldn't get himself out of, and only
then would he make this screeching chattery noise that was just not of this
earth.  Dante never said a word to me or to my boyfriend....just went about
being his nosy old self every day being rather quiet.
When I adopted Toby, a 2 year old male, much to me and my boyfriend's
amazement, Dante dooked with Toby all the live long day.  He chattered.
He played.  His tail wagged.  We'd never seen him do two out of three (he
had always played, LOL).  I guess what I'm saying is don't be suprised if
your baby doesn't dook a whole lot...it took getting a friend for my Dante
to get him to talk.  I don't know if this is normal or not; it just
happened.  But they're happy together now, with a third friend (Paul).
Anyway, good luck! :)
Sue, Dante, Toby, and Paul
[Posted in FML issue 3497]