Well, as I do my early morning ritual (drinking coffee & reading the FML)
while I try to wake up, I'm sad thinking I'll probably have to unsubscribe
soon... I'm the one moving from Cacaland to Paradise (actually hell without
my three fuzzbutts).  House is almost packed.  I "discovered" a neighbor
about 5-6 houses down the block who has three furkids (and 7 hooman kids, 3
cats and 2 dogs) and she adopted my guys.  Good and bad (bad just having to
"give them up" but good cause til I actually get on a plane I can go over
and get my ferret love!  and boy, do I need that often!).  I've been
teaching/training her 11, 9 and 7 year old boys to take proper care of all
of them - ferretone & "lax" each day, proper amount of treats, how & when
to apply the Advantage, cleaning cage properly, cleaning ears & clipping
nails.  It's so cute to see her 3 year old girl schlepping the animals
around (with great care) that are just about bigger than she is!  I gave
this wonderful lady my Ferrets for Dummies (don't know how she ever has
time to read, but at least she can use it as a reference when things come
up).  Boo hoo!  I couldn't give up all my issues of Modern Ferret, tho.
Packed them and will go thru them when I feel like a good cry.  (LOVE you
guys, Eric and Mary - I'm from LI too!).
Wanted to thank everyone publicly for this list, better than any (regular)
newspaper, which I have never had an inclination to read every day like
some people do!  I will miss you guys soooo much.
To Emilie:
Thanks for taking me under your wing and educating me, etc.  Boy, you've
been quiet lately.  Wassup (with that?).  Thanks (again) for "sitting" for
my guys... haven't heard from you lately.  Hope you and your sweetie are
ok.  How's the new puppy doing with your furkids?
To Matan:
Shalom dude.  Hope your life & "business" are going as you would have it
go.  Say hi to our relatives... lay off the abbreviations so you can get
the respect you deserve and the answers you need...
To April:
Anyway, the reason I am writing is I want to know if there is anyone out
there who commissions art work?  Specifically, a ferret with fairy wings
and a mischievous little impish smile.  :-) Please let me know by the FML
or you can email me at [log in to unmask]
April, if you ever find/get this piece of artwork, let me know (I'm in).
Butterflies all around would be good too!
My most favorite possession is one of a fairy lady gazing into a pool...
it's quite old and I love it.  Maybe in Hawaii (there are TONS are
artists there) I can find someone to make this piece for us.
To Bill:
[Moderator's note: Well, let's get this straight.  It wasn't an apple, it
was a raisin.  And it wasn't a fig leaf, it was a wallet.  The stuff about
floods is true though -- the ferrets plugged up the drains with dirty old
socks.  Hope I helped.  BIG]
You are a laugh riot!  Keep up the great work and service you do for
everyone!  We are blessed because of it.
To Sandee:
Thank God I didn't have to ever write you (in the short time I was
fortunate enough to be owned by the ferts).
Do you ever get to know/see our other pets?  Sammie & Tiffy (cats) both
died at 20 years old a few years back and my heart still aches for them.
Bita (my dog - named by a little Mexican girl) is buried in my backyard
and I miss her incessant barking (believe it or not).  And Kona Kitty
(who I accidentally ran over, spend over $600 to get well, then was eaten
by a coyote outside my home) is buried next to Bita...
it's amazing what animals do for/to us... life is so short and our pets'
lives even shorter... sad... oh well...
Much love (and dooks OR CHORTLES or whatEVER) to all and peace and
happiness and good health...
sorry this is so long (and boring).  The good thing is I'll be swimming
with Dolphins, but they won't/can't replace dancing with ferrets!
[Posted in FML issue 3505]