Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled raisin raiders...
Due to the incredibly hot weather, my neighbor's cockroach collection
has decided to check out the house on the other side of the fence.
Unfortunely, they decided to stay.  I object.  Therefore, I planon
fumigating my house with a chemical fogger that I've used before with
excellent results (the three-pack Raid product).
This means that I have to remove all of the ferts from the house for about
two hours, as this stuff will kill anything, including dust mites and bad
television sitcoms.  With the heat the way it is, I'll have to wait for
the weather to cool down a bit (it should drop significantly this weekend)
to do the job.  But I have a question.
Can I put my ferrets outside (in cages, out of the direct sunlight--
probably in the early evening when the back yard is in shade) for two
straight hours?  I know that some people keep their ferrets outside all the
time, but none of mine have ever been outside for more than about 20-30
minutes at a time (going for a walk or a trip to the vets or the pet shop).
Also, does anyone know if this will increase their exposure to fleas?  I
plan on putting all of the cages up on a picnic table, but just how high
can fleas jump, if they really, really want to get to an animal?  Are there
any precautions I can take to protect my little clowns while they are
outside?  I will be sitting out there with them the whole time, but my
eyesight isn't good enough to see a flea making a bee-line (no pun
intended) for my fur-kids.
Finally, while I have the kids outside, would it hurt them to get lightly
sprayed with water?  The love to sit on my lap when I spray-mist myself in
front of the fan to cool off.  They look like those dogs that stick their
heads out the car window when their owners take them for a ride. :)
However, I don't want to expose them to getting colds from being in the
outside air and being wet, if that is a concern.
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
Help a Shelter!
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[Posted in FML issue 3504]