>From:    Allan Berger <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Rebuttal about the "Bright Eyes and Bushy Tails" Clinic in Iowa
>>From:    Shannon Price <[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: FYI to those in Eastern Iowa
>The other complaint was from a client who I would not extend credit to.
>This ferret ultimately died, possibly due to lack of treatment for a
>gastriointestinal foreign body.
This is not meant to be a flame... and forgive me for stating the obvious
here, but my thoughts are for the poor fuzzy that died, probably in great
pain and confusion.  The thought of that raised a tear and a lump in my
throat, to think that poor baby was actually in a place where medical help
could be given and still didnt get it.
I wonder if anyone really noticed the passing of this blameless creature.
Was there really no way for these "intelligent" humans to work out the
problem?  Kinda makes you wonder about our species doesnt it?
Guess this is another blameless waif for Sandee to welcome.
Huggin my fuzzbutts
Cris Page
Bubbles, Skweek, Rhubarb & Custard
[Posted in FML issue 3502]