I have been out of the FML loop for 2 or 3 years now.  I have been getting
the FML for a few weeks and it is good to see so many familiar names - Mr.
Big, Sukie, Troy Lynn, Dr. Williams, Dook Dook, etc. etc.  It's so funny
because even though I have not subsribed to the FML for so long, every
day I still feel the FML withdrawal pains.  I finally gave in and
re-subscribed, even though I cannot read the entire thing every day.
We used to have many, many ferrets, until we moved into a ferret free town
house (long story).  We've managed to keep them "under ground" since then
and we are down to only one now.  We have had neither the room, nor the
funds to give the number of ferrets that we were accustomed to, the proper
care that they deserve so we have not "purposefully" added to our crew but
cared for the ones that we had, in the best way that we could.  They have
gradually all gotten older and passed away.  We lost our last 2 (in one
day) this summer.
Misty is our only furry child left and we got her a few years back and she
was a rescue.  Even though we will not say no to a fuzzy kid in need, it
looks like we are going to be ferret free before we would like to be.  We
suspect Misty has adrenal and we are considering Lupron (sp).  What kinds
of results have some of you folks that have used it had.  What little I
have heard has been positive, and the price has certainly gone down a great
deal but I want to hear what you folks have to say.
Tryntje Miller, and Misty.
[Posted in FML issue 3496]