We have just revamped our Message Boards.  We are now able to add many
forums.  Our old board went to a "password" protected status over a year
ago due to various issues, and our inability to edit posts that went over
the edge.  I am now happy to say that all ferret owners can again
participate in our new ferret forum without the hassle of waiting for
"approval", and we have added other pet categories too.  The old board is
still active to the best of my knowledge, but I don't know for how long.
The new board is located at...
This board is easy to use and fun.
Thank You,
Joe Palko
The Ferret Store
Joe Palko - NEEPS, Inc.
The Ferret Store
Phone: 1-800-440-3356 Ext. 9201
Fax: 1-888-329-8384 / (570) 208-1948
We're More Than Just Ferrets!
[Posted in FML issue 3501]