My husband and I currently have four ferrets, 3 cats, 1 dog and no human
children.  We want to set up a trust for the animals so whomever their
caretaker is, if we die at the same time, will have enough money for them.
I was also hoping to allocate enough to pay for even a part time person to
help out whomever is good enough to be their caretaker.  How much money,
per animal and per year, do you think, is necessary for their care and
how much does a part time (or full time) in home animal helper cost?
Lastly, does anyone have a lawyer they can recommend (he/she does not
have to be in Michigan) to set this up?
thank you very much
becki kain
Odo, Quark, Figment, Gossamer
[Posted in FML issue 3501]