Sandee, would you please keep an eye out for my little Caesar.  She got
sick the last couple days and was going to the dr.  today but I guess she
just didn't want to stay around.  We weren't sure of her age but figured
she was at least 6 years old or more.  She'd had an adrenal removed about
2-1/2 years ago and has been insulinomic for two years, but was handling it
very well.  She'd just gotten her second lupron shot a couple months ago
and was scheduled to have her second adrenal removed soon.  She was growing
her new fur coat which she was so proud of, specially the little black tip
of her tail, since she was a DEW.
Tell her I'm sorry I didn't catch whatever it was that caused her to get
sick this last weekend, I wish I had known how bad she was feeling.  But
then maybe she just figured she was getting old and didn't want to fight
any longer.  At least she was with me when she left, she knew I loved her
and she wasn't alone or scared.
She has four brothers and one sister at the bridge.  She only knew Phantom
and they weren't the best of friends, but Caesar was so much like our
little Cleo that I used to call her my "Little Cleo Clone".  Could you
please make sure they get together as well as Nipper, EZ, Lightning, and
Caesar is bringing two small boxes of raisins to share with her brothers
and sister.  They all loved them, and Phantom would even sit up, roll
over and turn around for his.  Sandee, see if he will do that for Caesar.
She loved to play "blankies" and "sacks" (you know hiding under them and
wrestling), maybe she can find some up there to play in.
Tell Caesar I love her and miss her so much and tell the rest of them I
still miss all them and for them to make Caesar feel at home.  Thank you
so much, Sandee.
mjo and the zoo (again missing one)  Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine, Bilbo,
Frodo, Frito, Pepper, Sassy, Frosty, fosters Tasha & Sabrina, and the
dogs Garth and Darwin  (R.I.P. Nipper, Lightning, EZ, Caesar, Phantom
and now Caesar)
[Posted in FML issue 3525]