Hi all
School is starting in most places.  Time to send those little hoomans out
to learn something.
A little girl named Ashley came in today.  I gave her your messages.  I
gave her da tour of da place and showed her all da sights and attractions.
She waz real interested in da Ferretone Flood.  She waited for it to come
in then waz there lickinhg up da tone as fast as she could.  After I told
her she could have all she wanted she slowed down a little.  She said she
wanted to try out her new wings next.  I set her up with an instructor and
she waz soon soaring away with da best of them.  Her landings were not to
bad although I have seen better.  She will soon be flying with da best of
them.  She said dat she feels bunches better.  She also said to send lots
of luv and many hugs and kisses to her daddy.
I am off to practice with my wings for a while.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3524]