My name is Kaye and I thought I would ask here first before i try and
advertise and so on, I asked earlier on in the month of July, but would
like to ask again, is there anyone in the uk who can no longer look after
the ferret(s) or find that they love them but still cannot have as many as
you have if you have too many, or if you know someone who doesn't want
their ferrets any more, for any reason, could you please contact me, I am
looking to rescue some ferrets in the UK, but all the people I have seen on
the FML say anything are from America, I missed one chance to rescue one,
and I hate that I did, but please, any one, I wont hate that you cannot
keep your ferret(s) any more I will be happy you have said something...
Hope to hear from you soon....
bye for now
Snowy, Fluffy and Taz
x x x x
Kaye,Snowy, Fluffy, and Taz!
ICQ Number 83438624
[Posted in FML issue 3523]