Hi Everyone,
Every Sunday I have a little, I guess you can say Ritual.  I sit down on my
front porch and read the Newspaper.  Well, I always read the Free ads, Cat
ads, Dog ads and other animals ads.  Well, this last weekend I saw in the
Other Animals Ads someone selling a Ferret with cage for $200.  Instantly I
start feeling sick to my tummy.  It scares me that, that Ferret is going
to end up going from home to home.  Of course the Ad says Not enough time.
Which we all know that is a common answer to why.  If I had the money of
course I would pay it for the Ferret.  BUT, that's only because that Ferret
deserves a permanent home, just as every Ferret does.  The other half of
me, thinks this person doesn't deserve the money and they are probably
trying to see how much they can get for the Ferret.  Asking for money makes
me think that the person probably doesn't have much love for the Ferret
and thinks of it as an object.  Ugh, I'm really sensitive when it comes
to stuff like this.  Not sure what to do, but I feel like I should do
something.  I think I'll call the person and "nicely" talk to them about
the Ferret.
Anywhooo... for people in Michigan near Livingston County it's in the
Green Sheet incase anyone is interested.
Take care everyone!
[Posted in FML issue 3523]