as you all know Iggy had a splenectomy 2 weeks ago.  he recovered nicely,
except for the auto-immune reaction that he had on the skin.  Even though
that was nasty, he was soo happy and bouced around 2 days ago when i
allowed him to come downstairs for the first time in 2 weeks and play with
his 7 buddies.  since the surgery, he was in a flat sick cage in my room.
He re-energized and was pawing at his cage at night, read to bounce around
and do weasel war dances for me.  so last night was night 3 that i brought
iggy downstairs to play with his buddies.  he bounced and rolled and was
so happy.
after a half hour of play he walked himself into the big cage with his
little sisters and went fast asleep.  that was at 12.40am.  i should have
removed him from the cage and brought him back to the sick cage.  i should
have.  this is all my fault.  but he was so happy in the big cage with his
buddies that he missed.  they all piled on top of him kissing him and all
fell asleep in a circle around and over him, so i left him in the cage
with them.  what harm could be done.  he got up and down the levels fine.
i just should have not left him.  but i did.  he died in the worse way a
ferret can die.  he went through 2 weeks of hell, surgeries and blood tests
to get better.  and he did get better.  he got caught in a hole that was
hanging down from the blanket.  he got half his boday through and i guess
did not have enough strength to free him self, it was a huge hole, but he
had it under his arms and stuck there.  this is how he died.
i sweet baby boy only a year old.  if only i would have moved him upstairs
this would have never happened.  if only i had taken Faith's warning from
FerretsR#1 because this just happened to her recently too.
So in grief shame pain hurt and tears i write to everyone.  Check your fur
babies cage now.  if there are hole or string or anything hanging that they
can get caught in, get rid of it.  Faith lost one of her angels and now i
lost one of mine.  Please everyone check your cages.  I will never forgive
myself for this mistake, i can only hope that all of you will read this
and help prevent any mor tragic accidents.
All i can pray for now is Iggy finds Pookie over the rainbow bridge and
they are together.  I know Iggy knows mommie didn't not mean for this to
happen.  I hope my sweet sweet boy is in a better place with lakes of
ferrotone and has Pookie to curls up with and be warm.  My poor sweet boy.
He was only a year old.  Please everyone, protect your furkids from this.
ahnie and 7 mourning ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3521]