>"Dr. Karen looked at Phoenix and saw that his belly was full of fluid
>from heart disease.
poor baby.
>I am angry because his parents did not research anything on ferrets
>before trading their iguana for Phoenix and I am sad that he suffered
>for as long as he did before coming to me.  I wish I could have saved
>him and shown him love and tenderness before letting him go.  Please
>hold your ferrets tight tonight and tell them how lucky they are to
>have loving parents like  you who care enough to read e-lists like
>this and other publications to learn to help and love them better."
in defense of the humans, though, one of my friends' ferrets had the same
thing happen to him--puffed up like a balloon practically overnight with
no prior indication that anything was wrong... they did manage to get him
to a vet in time to buy him a few more months, but heart disease really
can be a silent killer... granted, in this case it does sound like the
ferret was at the very least somewhat neglected, but even with fuzzies
that are loved and cared for, something like this can come out of nowhere.
(this may be the only time you will ever see me publicly defending PEOPLE.
might want to keep a copy of this for posterity.)
just be happy in the knowledge that he's not suffering now. :(
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        \(_  \(_   ferrets may nip, but people just suck.
[Posted in FML issue 3520]