biscuit got a cut on the roof of his mouth a while back, which, with
antibiotics, has ot gotten infected but instead actually formed a small
hole in his palate.  i am having a scrip for carafate filled as i type
this, but am wondering how i should actually administer it... the 1 gram
pills are supposed to be divided into 8ths, which is going to be a trick
to begin with.  should i just make a paste out of the prescribed amount
and actually spread it on the roof of his mouth, or make a suspension out
of it and just give it to him by syringe, or try to get actual solid
pieces into him or what?
from what i understand, caafate works by coating the lining of the
stomach/GI tract, but i don't quite know how this will happen in his mouth
if he swallows the stuff... if i make a suspension in water, at least i'll
be able to get the dosage right fairly easily.
ideas?  with this hole in his palate, he's not eating at ALL unless i
absolutely force him to.  before i can work on anything else with him,
i've got to get him eating again.
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        \(_  \(_   ferrets may nip, but people just suck.
[Posted in FML issue 3519]