>From:    Lisa Whittleton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Air purifiers / filters
>I was wondering if anyone has tried an air purifier in a [large] room to
>get rid of ferret odor...
I got a HEPA medium-large air filter at Sears; it cost in the $100-200
range I think, and eats a $10 filter every 3 months.  I've been quite happy
with it; I used to smell ferret strongly whenever I came home from work and
now I only really notice it when I've been gone for several days.  They are
a bit large (18" high, 2' diameter cylinder) and noisy, but if it's out
of the way that's not a problem, or you can get used to it after a while.
(Although I'm still looking forward to our new place where the ferrets and
the purifier get their own room :)
A friend of mine has an ionic (I think) purifier that's silent and seems to
work well; whether it can be as good as a fan-driven filter I don't know.
Scott E Kullberg  <*>  [log in to unmask]  --><--
"Mad science isn't the career for everyone. You really have to
 love your work or hate the world." - http://www.narbonic.com
[Posted in FML issue 3498]