Dear FML: vet has gone on holidays and I have today observed two poops
from Bill, my oldest ferret, that were bloody and loose...the second one
this afternoon was quite seedy.  He has been losing weight over the summer
but I thought it was seasonal.  He is getting regular treatment for fur
balls (they all are) but I wondered if I am seeing the effects of ulcer?
He is very active and unaffected by this turn of events.  Eating like a
horse and begging for raisons.
If this continues tonight I am going to a strange vet tomorrow (by that I
mean I have never seen him before, not that he is wierd) and I need any
input or suggestions as to what path we might start down with treatment.
If you have had any experience with these symptoms please email me and let
me know what treatment course your vet suggested.
Lynn (mom of five crazy ferrets)
[Posted in FML issue 3517]