::A lady before you hikes up her robes to situatate something underneath,
and a depends falls down underneath her.  She sees you, kicks the depends
aside as if you won't notice and...::
Greetings ferret puppets!  I just took over Wolfy's computer to write
you about something terrific going on.  A photo contest to help Ferrets
Unlimited.  Wow, you can have all sorts of fun voting.  Enter your photo
via mail or email with a two dollar entry fee.  And photos will be
displayed at the Columbus show even though the contest will go on after
that for a bit with a prize... fame, and and and.... Oh gosh why am I
wasting your time telling you this when you can go to:
--to get all the cool details!
Who do I vote for puppets?  Stormy who came up with this idea, or my
friend Sonny, or...
::She walks off into the horizon muttering to herself::
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3517]