My roommate and I only have one pet right now and it is a gold fish (I know
exciting).  Now I want a ferret in the worst way and I am trying to
persuade my roommate into letting me have one.  Though the other day I was
reading and saw that some people give Gold-fish to their ferrets as treats.
Now when I looked in my books I could not find this any where... but I do
understand that ferrets are carnivorous.  Does anyone else have fish and a
ferret.  I just want to make sure that I am not going to get a ferret and
then it is going to eat my roommates fish.  The fish sits on a low coffee
table in the living room... so it would be easily assessable for a ferret.
Thank you for any advice in advance.
Also I have started a yahoo club for people in the Boston, MA area who
would like to chat.  If you are interested the address is
If anyone knows of other groups or chats for Massachusetts I would love to
know about them.
Thank you
[Posted in FML issue 3476]